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Creating Docker Image of the Front-end

This document provides instructions on setting up a Docker container for the dashboard project's front-end. The Dockerfile is based on the node:18-alpine image and uses a multi-stage build process to optimize the container size.

Dockerfile Configuration

Below is the configuration for the Dockerfile, including comments explaining each step:

FROM node:20-alpine


COPY ./dist/ .

RUN npm i -g serve


CMD [ "serve", "-s", "." ]

How to Create the Image

Once the Dockerfile is configured, build the Docker image for the application by running the following command in the root of the project:

docker build -t <image_name> .


  • docker build: Creates a Docker image from the Dockerfile.
  • *-t image_name: Tags the image with a custom name.
  • .: Indicates the current directory as the build context.

Verify the Image

After building the image, verify its existence by listing Docker images or checking Docker Desktop:

docker images

You should see <image_name> listed in the output, confirming a successful build.

Creating and Running the Docker Container

Run the container with the appropriate environment variables:

  • Run the container with the environment variables:
    docker run -d --name raisehub_frontend_container -e VITE_API_BASE_URL=localhost:8080 -p 5173:5173 <image_name>

The application will be accessible at http://localhost:5173 by default.