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Database contenerization

Creating the Staging Database

Part 1: Setting Up the Development Database

To initialize a Mongo database locally using Docker, follow these steps to create and run the container:

Step 1: Start Mongo in Docker

Execute the following command to launch a Mongo container locally on port 27017:

docker run --name nameless-db -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=<mongo_root_password> -d mongo

Replace <mongo_root_password> with the desired mongo root password.

  • nameless-db is a example name for the container in the back-end container<mongo_root_password>@mongo:27017/Nameless_DB?authSource=admin

After the container starts, it will have the Mongo database (Nameless_DB) created, accessible through any database management tool.